This Week’s Edition of FN3..
2024 Church Theme: “Going forward with optimistic expectations: Following God’s lead”
Scriptures: Deuteronomy 33:27, 1 Samuel 30:19, Psalm 32:7&8, Psalm 46, Psalm 71:14, Psalm 124, Isaiah 40:11, Isaiah 49:8-11, Mark 4:41; Luke 17:5, Philippians 1:6, 2 Timothy 1:6.
Hymn: Leaning on the everlasting arms
Song: Something God
Thought: “Trust the past to God’s mercy, the present to God’s love, and the future to God’s providence.” ST. AUGUSTINE
Youth Newsletter: The latest edition of The Nazzy—-our youth newsletter is available here.
BIBLE STUDY: Bible study is on Wednesdays at 6:15 p.m. Join facilitators Rev. M’lilian Scott, Rev Hazel Reese and Reginald Sadler on your favorite platforms as we begin a new study based upon the book, Spiritual Gifts by R. Paul Stevens.
FIRST PAGES: If you are a small business owner or entrepreneur, provide professional services or skilled services, Join First Pages. Get listed in our online directory of goods and services offered by First Nazareth members. Drop your business card in the receptacle at the media desk or call the church office. If you don’t have a card, provide a brief written description of your goods or services.
EMERGENCY PREPAREDNESS: Our Disaster and Emergency Relief Ministry reminds us to always have an emergency to go kit with the following items: Water, non-perishable food, prescription medicines, cash, clothing, flashlight/new batteries and battery-powered radio. In an evacuation, let someone know where you are going.
MEN’S DAY 2024: The Men of First Nazareth are anticipating a powerful move of God on Men’s Day, September 15th under this year’s theme: “Men of Faith Going Forward with Optimistic Expectations: Renewing Our Faith through Prayer, Praise, and Purpose”
GIRL SCOUTS: September is Girl Scout registration month. Our Girl Scout program serves girls aged 5-18. Adult volunteers are needed to serve all troop levels. To register a girl or to volunteer as a troop leader, contact the church office at 803-254-6232.
FOOD DRIVE: The Pastor’s Aid Ministry is sponsoring a drive-thru Food Drive to benefit our food pantry Sept 21, 11 a.m.-1 p.m.
MARK YOUR CALENDARS! The Church Aid Ministry is sponsoring its annual apple picking trip to North Carolina Sept. 28. Join them for this fun-filled mountain experience and fellowship. Transportation donation is $50. Contacts are Margaret Zeigler, Modestine Welch and Barbara Thompson or call the church office to reserve your seat.
REGISTER TO VOTE! Registration for the Nov 5 general election is underway. Students who will be 18 before Nov 5 may register now. Registration forms are available at the media desk. To register online, download registration forms and access other voting information, visit
ABSENTEE VOTING: Now is the time to initiate absentee voting which allows voters age 65 and older plus other qualified voters to vote by mail prior to Election Day. To avoid long lines — Call, visit or send your request for an absentee application by U.S. mail to your county voter registration office. You will be mailed an application to complete and return so you can receive a ballot. The Richland County voter registration office is at 2020 Hampton St., PO Box 192, Columbia, SC 29202, 803-546-2240.