
We are certainly delighted that you have chosen to take the time to visit with us and we prayerfully invite you to peruse the various web pages that have been made available at this location to introduce us. We pride ourselves at embracing the theme “Upholding the tradition…good things come out of Nazareth” (ref. John 1:46). It not only becomes a banner for us to wave, but also a charge for us to keep. Our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ has set the pattern by meeting the challenge that was presented Him by those who did not think that Nazareth could produce anything good and has shown emphatically that not only can something good, but even the best can come out of Nazareth.We also invited you to worship with us. The Lord has shown His good favor to us through the constant visitations of the indwelling presence of His Holy Spirit and is blessing us with warm, meaningful, and moving worship experiences that are done decently and in order. We strive to preach a practical, realistic, relevant, personal, sensible, and sensitive message that captures the true essence of the Gospel of our Lord and Christ and one that relays the intent and purpose of His mission, messages, and ministry. It is our hope and aim for each person to leave the worship experience with a feeling of worth, healing, motivation, and excitement. All should feel as if they have been with the Lord.Lastly, we ask that you pray for us. The challenge is ever before us to reach high heights and to explore deeper depths. We join Paul in the never ending quest that is presented to every twice born believer. He presents this quest in Philippians 3:13 and 14 by saying, “Brethren, I count not myself to have apprehended: but this one thing I do, forgetting those things which are behind, and reaching forth unto those things which are before, I press toward the mark for the prize of the high calling of God in Christ Jesus.” Pray for us to never tire and to never forget that whatever we do is the Lord’s doing and it is marvelous in our eye (Psalm 118:23).

Yours Because of His Absolute Goodness,

Blakely N. Scott, Pastor